Medium Wool Rug in Pericón Gradient 1


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This versatile 100% wool rug was first hand-woven in Momostenango using local wool, and then hand-dyed in a local plant dye bath (called pericón) at Lake Atitlán. We love working with this natural protein fiber and exploring natural dye variations with our partner dyers.

Rugs in Momostenango are woven on large footlooms, which are managed per family as a source of income. Unfortunately, there are less and less weavers continuing this tradition in the town.

This medium wool rug is special in that both warp and weft are wool and the fibers have been felted together, which is done in the town by washing the rug in a natural hot spring. This felting makes the rug sturdier.

We dyed two rugs in this beautiful gradient.



Width: 2.5 feet

Length: 5 feet

This item ships from Guatemala.

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