Small Group Beginner Backstrap Weaving with Cristina / Saturday, April 5th, 9:30-11:30am
//This is an in-person outdoor weaving class held at our studio garden in central Antigua (1a Avenida Sur #4B) with Doña Cristina from Santo Domingo Xenacoj. Class is taught in Spanish.//
There are only two "changes" to open the sheds and practice plain weave on a backstrap loom. Once you get the movements, it becomes rather therapeutic to repeat them. But getting to that point might be challenging on your own - so join us to learn from master weaver Doña Cristina, step by step!
This class will be held on Saturday, April 5th, from 9:30am-11:30am in our beautiful studio garden in Antigua Guatemala.
This is a two-hour introductory class on the art of backstrap weaving includes:
- Instruction by master weaver Doña Cristina, with potential for her daughter to help as an assistant.
- Our PDF Backstrap Weaving Resoures List - access will be sent automatically via email when you sign up for the class.
- Access to a studio backstrap loom for class use.
- Opportunity to purchase your own loom to take home (everything is 20% off when you come visit our studio)
- A light snack
Doña Cristina is a master weaver from Santo Domingo Xenacoj. The style from her town is full of texturized brocade in the form of animals and natural motifs, created by picking up the warp threads one by one. She is proud to share that weaving paid her way through her university degree. During the week, she works as a social worker. Cristina teaches in Spanish and Kaqchikel.
Questions? Message us via WhatsApp at +502 5191 1991 or email us at
Student-teacher ratio 2:1.
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I just finished the 2-hour class on backstrap weaving for beginners. with Doña Lydia, a master weaver. I was the real beginner there because the other participants were already working on more advanced weaving. However, Doña Lydia sat by my side the entire time and guided me for the entire 2 hours. She was so patient as I was having a difficult time catching onto the steps, as simple as they were. I would recommend this class to others. There are teaching looms already set up with weft threads you can use and/or you can buy one there as well. They have many to choose from. It was also a very pleasant atmosphere, sitting in the garden, sipping tea while we worked. The videos that are included are also a huge help. I'm sure I will be depending on them to work on the loom I bought.