Medium Cotton Rug: White and Sky Blue

$75.00 $95.00

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//This rug is on sale because we noticed slight discoloration on one side of the rug. The other side is not affected.//

What a beautifully elegant cotton rug handwoven in Momostenango with soft chunky cotton yarn! Featuring natural white cotton and dyed light blue and beige tones, the stripes have been woven row by row on a wooden pedal loom in Momostenango. 

We love this medium size for all sorts of floor areas; it's really practical for living room / by the sofa, at the foot of the bed, etc. Also fun to move around the house for an easy change. 



Width: 33 inches (about 3feet)

Length: 65 inches (about 5.5 feet)


Care: 1. Shake outside 2. Put in the sun 3. Wash in gentle cycle. Read more on the easy care recommendations here.

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